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How do I become Hafid in 2 years with Sheikh Abdeen?

Step 1

Find your permanent appropriate Sheikh/Hafid who will guide you throughout this entire process!

Without a supervisor, you will never become independent Hafid. After you find reliable companion who has also walked that journey to becoming Hafid your journey begins!

Rule: The one who does not have a Sheikh (who can train him) his sheikh will be the Satan. In other words guidance from your sheikh is necessary and if you do not do so then you will be guided by Satan.

You can become a hafid in 2 years by memorizing an average of 1.5 pages a day. That's about half a hizb per week.

With the program Sheikh Abdeen creates for you, you will immediately start learning your new homework starting with Surah al-Baqarah. After reciting it with Sheikh Abdeen, you will start working on your own.

Every day try to recite these memorized verses in your prayers so that they become as permanent as possible. 1.5 hours a day is the minimum you should give to the Quran. Sheikh Abdeen will help you choose the right time for this and detailed further in the personal lessons.

If you are looking for a disciplined and online Hifdh course to plan the Quranic Hifd process, please contact us or register immediately through our website and get on the road to this beautiful goal without delay!

Step 2

1. Commit to Your Own Quran Memorization Planner

After the 1st step, create a personal online Quran memorization planner in which you describe your daily commitments to ensure a structured approach. For example, assign specific times for memorization, such as early morning, afternoon and evening. This allows you to integrate memorization into your routine, promoting consistency seamlessly. (Here, of course, Sheikh Abdeen helps you with this)

As the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "The deeds most beloved by Allah are those that are done regularly, even if they are small." Therefore, a consistent routine, even at short intervals, has immense value in the eyes of Allah.

Pro Tip: Keep your planner visible and accessible as a physical document or a digital reminder to reinforce your devotion daily. This is where AbdeensAcademy uses the to do list on discord.

Step 3

Dividing surahs into manageable sections
Dividing surahs into smaller, manageable sections helps with gradual and effective memorization.

For example, focus on memorizing a few verses at a time, understand their meaning and then move on to the next set. This approach creates a deeper connection to the text and facilitates a smoother progression.

Pro Tip: Identify thematic or structural divisions within surahs to separate them into sections, which facilitates comprehension and memorization.

Memorize the Qur'an with Tajweed
Integrate Tajweed into your memorization process by learning and applying its rules as recited by Sheikh Abdeen. Concentrate on pronouncing Arabic letters and the rules for extensions and pauses. (These Sheikh Abdeen also teaches and corrects you with each new homework you are given during the week.

This improves the beauty of your recitation and ensures accuracy in conveying the intended meanings of the verses.


Step 4

Revise the learned part every night
Consistent nightly revision is paramount to reinforce memorization.

This practice corresponds to the Qur'anic wisdom, "And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy to memorize. Is there then anyone who is mindful of it?" (Qur'an 54:17). Use the rest of the night to repeat what you memorized during the day. This repetition strengthens your memory and improves retention, making the verses a permanent part of your knowledge.

Important note: Create a bedtime routine of reciting the verses you have memorized so that they are firmly engrained in your memory before you go to sleep.

Track your Hifd progress
To stay motivated and keep track of your progress, keep a simple tracking system. Write down the surahs and verses you have memorized and regularly evaluate your performance. You do this, of course, with your Sheikh-in this case Abdeen.

A visual record of your progress is a tangible reminder of your dedication and encourages perseverance during the two-year journey. Make sure to:

Make a list of memorized surahs & Ahzaab (Parts) each month.
Put milestone markers for each completed juz (section).
Use a special notebook or digital app to keep track easily. This can also be done on discord server: AbdeensAcademy.

Start here

Step 5

Be consistent with the same Quran teacher
Continuity in learning from the same Quran teacher provides stability and promotes a deep understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. Consistent guidance ensures a uniform approach to Tajweed and pronunciation, preventing potential inconsistencies.

Schedule regular check-ins with your Quran teacher to discuss your progress, seek guidance and address challenges to create a supportive learning environment. AbdeensAcademy is here to help and is available to you 24/7. With our personalized guidance for each sstudent, we bring out the best in you!

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Step 6

Challenges to overcome to become a Hafid in 2 years
Becoming a Hafid in two years is commendable, but not without challenges. The path to memorizing the Qur'an requires unwavering dedication and perseverance.

1. Juggling daily responsibilities requires effective time management for consistent memorization.
Combating distractions is crucial; create a focused study environment to minimize interruptions.
2. Overcome mental fatigue with short, frequent sessions and adequate breaks.
Stay inspired by setting realistic goals and reminding yourself of spiritual rewards.
3. Counter stagnant progress by diversifying methods and seeking guidance from experienced mentors.
4. Mastering Tajweed brings challenges; prioritize pronunciation and seek professional guidance.
5. Provide accountability through study groups or a mentor to consistently track progress.

Final words
Becoming a Hafid in two years requires perseverance and dedication. Remember that each memorized verse is one step closer to a deeper connection with the Qur'an and its profound wisdom. This is a long period where everyone can memorize the Qur'an and never forget it through many revisions.

Remain steadfast in your devotion, celebrate the milestones and embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth. As you walk this sacred path,

Become Hafid now!